Live, laugh, love.
My goodness, but that’s annoying.
My first exposure was 5/2014, upon starting the job that
brought me back to MI, that was so horrendously bad, with such horrendously unpleasant
coworkers, and psycho bosses, that HR apologized to me for my experience, and
gave me a beyond generous severance package, if I agreed to not speak ill of
them by name in public.
I was there for less than a year.
So, maybe “Live, Laugh, Love” never really had a
chance. The nasty, mean cracker who
had a needlepoint of it at her desk, and informed me it was her life motto,
might have just spoiled it for me.
But, you see…. now... I'm experiencing on-line dating.
I’m on a dating app.
And there are a LOT of women who like to use these platitudes in their
And to be very clear - I expect lots of guys do the same. probably not "live, laugh, love", but....
And to be very clear - I expect lots of guys do the same. probably not "live, laugh, love", but....
Every time I see “Live, Laugh, Love”…. I stop looking at
their profile.
Hard stop.
Can’t help myself.
One of 3-4 pics on a profile I checked out, was of these very words tattoo’d
on the woman’s shoulder. Christ.
But in case I appear to be singling this particular
platitude out, let’s rush through a few more.
About your school of hard knocks - Charter school?
Oh, and “I work hard and play harder”.
How hard ARE you actually working? Need a baseline, for comparison.
Oh, it says here you’re currently exploring
new career options.
And honestly - Fuck your YOLO. You’re on this earth just this one time, so
LET’S GET EXTREME!!! How does this
“philosophy” make sense? “ I get one shot at this, and can live a long life
suffering consequences of half-assed decision making. Fuck yeah! bring it!”
What behaviors are allowed and not allowed, under YOLO? Are their guidelines written out somewhere? what's simply living your best life, and what's living your only life with abandon?
And don’t sing like noone’s listening. Sing like someone just might be. Take pride in yourself. Make an effort. Sing like you love your voice and it brings
you joy.
Own that shit.
And don’t get me started on “Learning to dance in the rain”
or whatever that correct platitude actually is.
Honestly, this one’s not as bad. Except, after I didn’t mind it the first time
I saw it anywhere, it wasn’t long before I saw it… everywhere. Why,
it appeared that EVERYONE was learning to dance in the rain.
Except… when it actually rained, I never saw anyone outside,
And I fucking looked.
And I fucking looked.
I’m calling bullshit….