So, my brain.
Can’t wait for what comes next, can you? I know!!!!
It IS exciting.
While working from home today, I had a very short list of things I wanted to accomplish ‘round here, whilst working.
Lunch hour stuff… each of which, as written, should take 10 minutes or less…..
Simple, direct, real, touchable, chores. Like…two of them……
but... my brain.....
The personal grooming chore resulted in:
- The emptying and re-organizing my medicine cabinet, and to a lesser extent, my linen closet.
- Throwing out expired… everything.
- And aprox. 4 plastic electric toothbrush head covers.
- And a big handful of ancient hotel toiletries.
- Throwing all towels in laundry.
- Cleaning my bathroom
- A shopping list for razor blades and toothbrush heads and toilet bowl cleaner and dryer sheets and……
- As of yet no personal grooming. (amended: i'm clean, shorn, and shiny now!)
Clean linens for my daughter’s bed before she arrives for the weekend resulted in:
- finding many drawing utensils. Thankfully not with my bare feet. Someone has some work to do when she’s here this weekend…..
- Started to get an idea to re-organize her entire room. Made myself stop.
- Two loads of laundry I hadn’t thought to include today, WHICH in turn resulted in:
- Me cleaning off my dryer, putting everything that’s accumulated there (it’s right inside my back door) in trash or correct location
- Cleaning off kitchen table and throwing table cloth in wash.
- Organizing / recycling everything on the table that had collected there over the last couple of weeks
- Happy discovery of a dryer full of clean and dry clothes
- Which now will be added to what has to be folded and put away…
- Actually putting clean linens on my daughter’s bed. (Score!)
Used to catch grief, both as a child AND an adult, on the regular, for it taking “too long” for me to complete chores. Not for NOT doing them. For NOT doing them fast enough.
More often than not... not an issue.
But on occasion…
Obviously I was just screwing around or not working fast enough because it was something I didn’t want to do. OBVIOUSLY…
Maybe not…..
Anyone else? Anyone else find they circle waaaaaayyyyy ‘round to take care of a couple things, and end up taking care of like… nine OTHER things, but in an asymmetrical, seemingly (to the untrained eye) random manner?
How’s that working out? Everyone a fan?
I let the critter out today. I could have put the effort in to tamp down the focus issues.
But goddamn, I was getting a lot done, so I abdicated control, at least enough. Fly, be free!!!!
Not like I was NOT also work-working my butt off......
I'm thankful that, when realizing what was going on, I was able to CHOOSE, today.
Even if I still need to shave my head and take a shower. (amended: see above. I'm not an animal...)
In my now ridiculously clean bathroom, with it's very organized medicine cabinet, and freshly laundered bath towels….
I'm thankful that, as an adult, I recognize these issues exist in myself, and that I mostly know when it's happening, so I can adjust accordingly.
If I want....