Thursday, February 1, 2018

random travel thoughts - I need to get out more - Part 1

Transcribed from original long hand form....

I sit here in seat 26D.
I've not been on an airplane in five years.  Five years ago - two different trips, five different airports, in 10 days.
Then... nothing.

Hasn't changed much, except perhaps the airlines have gotten even stingier with beverages.

So, 26D, midway through a flight from ORD to LAX.  I've already eaten the worlds smallest bag of pretzels, and drank a coke, and watched one of the movies I downloaded in preparation for this flight.

REDS - Fun movie.   Take the time, if you've not already seen it.

My wife and daughter gave up a book on spirituality and Minecraft, respectively, so that I could watch movies on the Kindle on my trip.
Wife... daughter... spirituality.. minecraft....  YEP.  I got them in the right order.    

I'm writing this longhand, something I stopped doing a long time ago.  I have to slow my brain down when writing long hand.  That's not something I do well.

One of the first passengers to board in my section promptly threw up, upon finding their seat.  Yep, they HAD to know they were not well, two minutes earlier when they had not yet boarded the plane, but hey, no reason to NOT get on the plane, that will be full of people.    Those of us in the aisle noticed the smell, first.     The attendant claimed it was the smell of the plane de-icer, right to our faces, as we watched them clean up the mess.

So I got that going for me.

I'm writing this with my Dale Carnegie pen, given to me at the end of one class, for having given the most inspirational speech of the week.  
It was about moving forward anyhow.

The universe kicks you in the nuts (gender specific, I realize...), you find very uncertain future ahead of you all the sudden, but you build the chicken coop and buy the chickens anyhow.
Because that was the deal, the promise.
So you just decide that it's all gonna work out, keep the promise.  You buy the chickens.

That two minutes of livestock-themed inspiration earned me a pen.    I confess, now, to all of you here, that this was a speech I made up in class that very evening, after realizing that the one I practiced all the way to class, would offend at least half of the people in the room, after hearing all of them talk about their relationships with jesus christ.  

 I meant every word, but....  Ya just never know what's gonna resonate with folks.

I could have written all of that in 1/4 the time on a laptop.....
When I sat down, I thought maybe, Just maybe...this would be the flight I'd finally, after all these years, be able to sleep thru.

Silly boy.


We just hit a bump of turbulence, and I heard "uuuggghhhhhhhh" from behind me.   Hope that's not the puker....


You know al those videos you see on FB, of the ridiculous LA traffic?    Yes, that's where I'm headed. And I'm supposed to calla phone # upon landing, give whomever answers my reservation #, and then find out when my car service will show up, and where.   Hope it's comfy, as it looks like I'll be sitting in it for awhile.

One day conference tomorrow, followed by three days/nights catching up w/ an old friend.  Itinerary's loose, almost comically so.

I will be happy just to be outside.

I hope there's pudding.

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