So, a couple weekends ago, I got FB jacked.
Got an email on saturday from FB, stating someone had tried to access my account, and if it wasn't me, let them know.
So I did.
And the next morning I received several more emails from FB, stating that they had shut me down, for violating FB guidelines.
Although it was not me, it was the person who jacked me.
Now, I get almost daily notifications that the person who jacked me is paying for their FB ads, manually.
In Arabic currency.
So that's going well, I think.
Got jacked, not long after bringing Maggie home from dog rescue. She's sweet, and house trained and loves having her ears scratched, and is convinced that I'm going to torture her, about 2/3 of the time.
Which is an improvement from 3/4 of the time, where we started when she came home.
She doesn't seem to know what to do with herself. She'll just stand in the middle of the room, staring off into space. or walk a few laps 'round my little house.
She'll beg to go out moments after coming in. if we're outside on the deck, she'll walk right past us and scratch on the door to go inside. She's... special.
I blame her small head. she's built kinda like a dinosaur.....
Last night was my daughter's first high school half time marching band performance.
it was 90 and sunny and humid as fuck, when I left my house to drive the 10 miles or so to her high school. I remembered head covering, and was pounding the fluids on the way, to stay hydrated.
15 minutes later, i pull into the overflowing parking lot's all cloudy.
Before end of first quarter, it started raining. and it just kept getting worse.
shortly before the half, it was actually raining sideways.
but by god, we were going to stay to watch them march, even if we spend 2nd half in our cars.
with seconds left in the half.... thunder and lightning. We all bolted from the metal stands, as wet as we possibly could be, as the game was called.
Standing in the rain, I removed my soaking wet glasses and wiped them on my soaking wet t-shirt, earning an odd glance or two from the folks next to me.
"I don't feel like I need to explain my art to you, Warren" - Empire Records
45 minutes later, they finally let the band kids go home.
we walked, soaked to the bone, squelching with each step, out of the high school.
Only to discover it had just stopped raining. We get to the car, where i open the hatch to grab a beach blanket, for my daughter and I to sit on.
On top of the beach blanket? An umbrella.
a goddamn umbrella........
We get home, to discover it hadn't rained a drop.
God laughs.
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