Saturday, February 5, 2022

winter farmer's market, and if the poo shitz.....

 Good morning, sports fans.  

Coffee is good, the air is cold, and I've got nothing but time.  

(untrue.  I've other stuff, as well)

Let's, shall we?

It's 7:15 am, the dog has moved to her day location, and is resting from the journey.

Murder-kitty is in ambush position#3, just inside my bedroom door.

I'd say the morning's coming along nicely.

Later (I have to spread the fun out, so I don't explode), I'll swing by my elementary school gym, this year's location of the city's winter farmer's market.      

know what's really NOT the focus of winter farmer's market?   



Nary a farmer to be seen.   But the bakeries and coffee roasters and fresh meat and cheese people will be there.    probably buy a knit hat if I wanted.....

and there's always honey.     

Cuz it's a farmer's market law, I believe.  

without it, you can't include the word "farmer" in the title.  

I don't know that this is true, but people are talking...

Summer market, you plan your saturday morning 'round it.   hell, that's just to find parking...

Winter....  "I'm double parked, even though the lot's basically empty.  we can be in and out in 5.  shall we leave it running?"

looks around at the neighborhood where he went to elementary school.

"nope.  we shouldn't.   Lock it up...."

Hmmm.... Not bad, for sitting down in front of my laptop without a plan. 

probably gonna blow it, next up.

Quick.  words that don't belong together.   And... go.

Designer + dog.

interesting choice.   I was gonna go with "Stafford" and "Super Bowl", but we'll use yours.

"I want a dog, but I don't want any dog that ALREADY EXISTS ON THIS PLANET.  INVENT NEW ONES!  GET BUSY!!!!"    (followed by petulant foot stomping)

great look, folks.    Great look.  

I've a couple of draft essays in the can.   I couldn't finish them.  

lost steam, topics I thought would carry me thru didn't.. 


Above swerve to designer dogs is an attempt to use some of what's in the can.  A kernel of an idea not strong enough to blossom into any kind of serious word count....

it's a result of getting hit by a # of references to how we MUST always have bigger and newer and shinier, even though....  we really don't have to.  

(do these shoes match my dog?   Will I need a different dog for after Labor day?)

And to a lesser extent, the divide and disconnect between us as a people.

The "close puppy mills" / "adopt /rescue" crowd, vs. the "If you cross a shitzu and a pekinese and a miniature poodle, will it make a decent fashion accessory?" crowd.

most of us are in the middle, there, somewhere, or not part of the equation at all.    

Like with most divides and disconnects between us as a people....




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