Saturday, April 9, 2022

Anti-social media


Woke up to snow on the ground, and an ill spouse.   

Can't say as I was expecting either one of those.

So I sip a cup of coffee, quietly clean up a bit, and try not to question my lot in life, all the decisions made that brought me to this exact point.

The spouse is back in bed, and the snow appears to be melting.     Wonder what's gonna happen next?

Read this week that Trump's Truth Social is officially and thoroughly a flop.  Noone uses it.

People go on, see the lack of activity and post stuff like "Anyone here?"   Didn't help that the man himself never uses it, either.    Built his own platform, after getting kicked off all the ones that have rules, and that people actually use..........

And it got me to thinkin'.........

If noone uses your social media platform, is it still social?    How social is, say, an Ice Cream Social, if you couldn't get in at first, then when you finally could, you find noone there, and no ice cream?  Do you even bother turning the lights on?

What we have here, is anti-social media.    

Let's develop a platform for malcontents, to never use.    

Once we develop it, we'll do a big advertising spend to bring them in.   maybe ads on AOL and Myspace?    

Is pre-ghost Ebenezer Scrooge available?  we need a "face" for the campaign.

I follow my neighborhood's FB page.     It's a frequently head-scratching combination of folks still fighting to keep a speed limit from going up, that's already gone up; folks bitching about animal waste, and people running stop signs and has your trash been picked up /street plowed / power out?  

with the occasional request for information that OP could have gotten by googling.  


Maybe there's something to my anti-social media idea, after all.....

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