Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Covid bookends. You, too?


"Covid caused my favorite coffee place to close down. And they've now reopened, but with reduced hours.
Which is too bad, because now that I'm working from home, because of covid…."

Hits self in head with palm of hand.


Covid bookend statement.

just another manifestation of our struggle to wrap our heads around our new, and ever-changing reality. same things mixed with same things but different, mixed with new things, and lack of old things... I got a throbbing pain behind my right eye, just typing that.

and honestly, at least for me, a display of not-great mix of privilege and laziness.
Hey, I KNOW I'm lucky to be working remotely. I've not lost sight of that.
and I've been lazy since birth.
about things I CAN be lazy about, at least.
for example.


I could stop at a couple of great places at 6:30a on a weekday, five minutes from my house, on my way to work.


and I'm signed into my computer at the same time, here in my living room, that I did when I commuted...
but I only have chain coffee options available to me now, to grab a cup when i'm too lazy to grind, before I sit down at my desk...
the struggle is, indeed, real...

Maybe you lamented the closing of golf courses, because now that you're schedule's gotten a little more.... flexible....
no? not one of you?
or massages, or pedicures, or 24 hour walmartapalooza, or your favorite bar....???

Only me, hitting myself in the forehead with the palm of my hand? Sitting alone on the bench outside of cafeteria, with my peanut butter sammich?

this does not pass the sniff test.

Think about it for a moment. If you honestly, truly, can't come up with a real life example, think about what your covid bookend statement might be.

No. Really. Go ahead. We'll gather back here in.. five? good? excellent.

No, I don't need to hear them. I just wanted to see if I could get you to do it.

oh, you're looking for a point, more profundity? a little swerve at the end, an abrupt change in tone?

Nah, this one is isn't one of those. Except... I'm guessing I'm not really all alone on the bench.
we're all in this together, every imperfect one of us.

Going to bed now.
You don't have to go home, but you can't... stay... here...

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