Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I read today where someone has compiled a list of 15 of the most recession-proof consumer products.

The punch lines associated with this list are, to be honest, so easy and so numerous that my brain locked up, like when too many people are trying to buy tix on-line at the same time.....

In no order, here's a sample from the list.

Mac and Cheese
Fishing gear
stomach relief meds (Tums and such)
running shoes
Cheap Wine (further clarified to be "inexpensive wine" which successfully removes the image of MD 20/20 or Wild Irish Rose from my head, and replaces it with any bottle of wine that still needs a corkscrew, but can be purchased for under $8)

"SAMPLE" is my way of saying I don't remember all fifteen items.

Where to start.....Combine Mac and Cheese and Spam, and a bottle of inexpensive domestic wine.... What color goes with Spam and Mac & Cheese, Red or White? I'd guess a white, but good luck finding one that heralds how well it complements....spam.

You'll need the tums for later, when you wake up in the middle of the night with your upper abdomen on fire.
Which is too bad, cuz you and your mate became amorous after drinking the inexpensive wine, and had 15 minutes of carnal bliss, while still being sober enough to take necessary precautions.

You then drift off to a contented sleep, not expecting to be awoken by indigestion three hours later.

By the way, if you eat enough spam...you won't need laxatives. Please consult a physician before attempting this cure.

If more people owned guns, fewer people would need to buy high end running shoes to motivate themselves to run.
Sadly, article did not highlight a exponential growth in shooting lessons, target practice, etc.

The list, without comment, is pretty humorous, and most of the punchlines were funnier in my head, so I'll dispense with the humour now.

Had someone tell me the other day that make up in general, is recession proof, that women will continue to spend the $$$ on make up, lipstick, nail polish, hair care products, regardless of how tight money becomes. Kinda makes women sound a bit shallow, and the person who told me this is herself a woman.
I'm not sure I agree with her. At the very least, many women will downgrade as money tightens. Bye bye, high end dept. store cosmetic counter, hello CVS.

Fishing gear - nearest and dearest to my heart. Article said that not only is sale of fishing gear and tackle on the rise, but fishing trips are on the rise as well.

Fishing has always been a cheap way to really relax. If more people realize this, and more folks also realize it's a cheap, fun morning out for the whole family and a way to spend QT with their kids, there's no downside. And you can even pick up dinner while you're out if you're lucky, or not finicky about what you eat.
So props to all the new fishermen, as long as they don't all decide to fish where I fish, and as long as they all pick up after themselves.
Which, by the way, will never happen.

So expect a similar increase in the # of empty worm containers, beer bottles and crushed cigarette packs, coming to a river bank near you. We call the "keep-what-ever-we-catch-regardless-of-legality-don't-own-a-fishing-license-screw-picking-up-after-ourselves" folks bucketheads.
Guys who really enjoy fishing for the sake of fishing, guys who "Get it" hate the bucketheads, and....you should, too.

Finally, from a red-blooded american guy standpoint, I'm a big fan of the combo of chocolate, wine and lipstick. It just smacks of potential and promise.

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