Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Jesus on the El Train - a True Story

 A true story, from my time living 'round Chicago.

I just canNOT figure out why folks automatically assume I'm telling tall tales, when I say stuff like:

 "I saw Jesus Christ on the El train once...."

(I mean, fuck.  who HASN'T?)

And when I told the tale, I was asked "Why haven't you wrote the song yet?"

Because my song writing skills are shite.

But here's a pass.  might be playing it live in a couple months.... Hoping the person who asked, will work with me to clean it up before we put it out there.

all rights reserved, cannot be used without my written consent, etc etc etc.  

AND blah blah blah.   

mustn't forget THAT.


Jesus on the El Train


1.  Barely made the train after work the other night

Ran up and down, far too many flights

Winded and sweaty and flushed and sore

When Jesus walked through the door. 


Saw Jesus Christ on the El Train

Was it just the freak of the day?

But there was Jesus christ.  On the El train.

I wonder if he paid?


2.  It’s been decades since I last confessed

Not since my sins became my grins

But Jesus was standing in my el train car

The answer to the big question





I’m sorry about that one thing, But I was young

And didn’t know

And how I handled that other thing

But I really had to go

But here’s where we’re gonna part

I’m not sorry for my lust and impure heart


3. Jesus Christ was in my El train car

And I had just started to get right

When he walked on past me

and out of sight


4.  Keep steppin’ random crazy guy

You weren’t the one from on most high

Glad you moved on before I had to start

Examining my own heart



He was from a hispanic christian sect of some kind. when he passed me, radiating peace. he stopped to speak with two young hispanic women, who were not weirded out at all. 

I remember being really relieved when I saw that everyone could see him....

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