Wednesday, October 1, 2008

hey, if you can't embarass yourself anon. on the 'net...

Then Just what's the point?

here goes:

She grew luscious produce,
Fresh squeezed her own orange juice, which she
brought to me in her bed

It was all organically grown, and
when I'm alone
I can't get her out of my head

She made her own herbal tea, she'd
share it with me
when we would sit on her garden wall

We plotted and talked,
brainstormed while we walked
And then she opened a store in the mall

She grew luscious produce, but
it was just no use
I couldn't give up my carniverous ways

Now she's worth several mil, and I
think of her still,
And long to be part of her salad days

A friend came up with "luscious produce" on my 'frig magnet poetry awhile ago, and I was (ill) inspired. I think it has a bad Jimmy Buffet vibe to it. Somewhere, lost forever I expect, is the companion piece, Veggie Burger in Paradise. That one was a bit more blatant in it's...homage.

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