Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Whoo Hoo, the McRib's back!!!!

The McRib's back!


actually, I couldn't care less.

But it's impending return to the McDonalds menu is actually being reported as news today.

And frankly, I'm sick of reading about politics.

Not sure the point of bring it back for a limited time, every few years.

It just says to me that it didn't move enough units when they initially brought it out, so they ditched it.

If it was really popular, it never would have gone away.

I have this horrifying mental picture of some guy cleaning out the freezer at their central distribution center, located not too far from here, and coming across a pallet of mcRib patties with "use by 1999" stamped on 'em, and going...

"Oh, shit."

They apparently only found a month or so worth of them, as it's only back for four weeks.

And they're even having a "Legend of the McRib" promotion, where you can submit ridiculous stories involving the McRib, in hopes of winning a trip to Germany.

An idea that they apparently stole from the Wolf /Moon T-shirt folks on Amazon.

"Why Germany?" you ask.

What, you got something against Germany?

It's because Germany's the ONE country in the world that has McRib on the menu, ALL the time.
ALL the time? it's like a beautiful, barbeque dream come true!

If they REALLY want to impress me, they'll create a mcRib sandwich that uses two MORE mcrib patties as a bun.

Not something I'd want to eat while driving, or...well not something I'd ever want to eat, ever, but they'd get points for pure disregard for the health and safety of their customers.

Like they need more points for THAT...

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