Thursday, December 16, 2010

Almost Home Made, with Sandra Lee

Almost Home Made is on TV, during my lunch hour. Someone always turns it on one of the TV’s at the gym, as, honestly – who DOESN’T want to work out to Almost Home Made, with Sandra Lee?

Well, me.
But I’m 5 minutes in on a 35 minute cardio workout, and there it is, right in front of me…

It’s how I got hooked on One Life To Live, a few years ago.
(And for the record, I hope Rex finds out that Clint paid someone to falsify the paternity test results, and kicks his ass, even though Clint IS his dad….)

Anyhow, I get done with my workout, and I come across this...

Which made me decide to write a blog entry…

For the most part I really enjoy Food Network’s programming.
It’s informative, and entertaining, and I get the same vicarious enjoyment from watching someone cook a fantastic meal from scratch, as I get from watching The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross, or fishing programs on a cold winter day when I’m home sick.

And of COURSE I’ve pulled recipes off of their website after seeing them made, and tried them myself.

I’m a fan.

But THIS show… Can’t stand it.

There she is, talking about a quick and easy meal she just LOVES to make when she’s having a dinner party….

Take some frozen vegetables, a couple cans of mushroom soup, some pre-cooked bacon, pre-cooked cubed potatoes, and a couple of cans of pre-cooked, pre-cubed chicken….

And for desert…. Take one box of Betty Crocker yellow cake mix, a can of sliced pineapple, and some non-dairy whipped topping…
(Seriously, she couldn’t even use ACTUAL whip cream? It comes in a spray can!!!)

I understand not everyone’s interested in cooking from scratch. I also am cognizant of time restraints, etc.
Every meal cannot be gourmet.

Good lord, how I know and accept this to be fact.

But do I REALLY need to watch someone prepare a recipe that she found on the inside lid of a container of Cool Whip?

And do so in a vaguely creepy manner?

Sandra, I have two words for you:

Hamburger Helper
Popeye’s Chicken

For Desert:

Hostess Twinkies

And if it’s a really special occasion:

Boston Market

1 comment:

VirtualRoadkill Ali said...

Ohhh, how I hate that woman and her show. We actually used her as an example when making fun of one of our friends who was inordinately proud of her kitchen and cooking skills for no apparent reason (the former was equipped with crap sold on infomercials, the latter involved recipes involving lots of cans and jars.) "Hamburger Helper Cuisine" to an extreme. It's a reminder that I need to get back to doing more recipes and newbie/noncook tips on my blog--I haven't really done that since the day when a coworker said the most creative thing she'd done in the kitchen was use chicken in Hamburger Helper!