Tuesday, February 1, 2011

random winter storm and ensuing panic thoughts -Part 1.

Lines out into the street at all the gas stations yesterday afternoon and evening.

Because…. Everyone’s gonna be doing a lot of driving over the next couple of days as we get 12-20 inches of snow? Seems counter-intuitive…

Both of my cars have full tanks.
But they both NEEDED filling up.

Co-worker told me his wife had to drive to ½ dozen different places yesterday before she could find ice melt. And when she DID find some, she bought every bag in the store.
He tells tall tales, but claims that his wife was approached by other shoppers, offering HER money for the salt in her cart, that she hadn’t even paid for yet.

On the count of three, everyone panic. Ready????
1….. 2……3……FREAK OUT!!!!

Yeah, this storm’s gonna be a monster, but not sure what a bag of salt’s gonna do to combat that.

random thought: Seems lots of people made sure to stock up on booze and junk food for the impending blizzard and forced stay-at-home time. I've ridden through hurricanes, people. Drunk's really not the way to approach crisis. Just sayin'.
At least they won't be on the road...

I’m working from home today. Because I don’t want to wait for the storm to arrive before being told I can leave early. Compound with fact that all the decision makers, and aprox. ½ my coworkers are all at our big market event in Florida.
Where they will remain, as they were likely scheduled to fly home either tonite or sometime tomorrow.

Hopefully, there will still be hotel rooms for them, if they are, indeed, stranded.

Headed out to Target last night, it was as busy as I remember it being just before Christmas. With all the hoopla, I was surprised to still see plenty of milk and other staples, like chocolate chips, available.

Decided to get Fiona a sled, so was checking out the sporting good aisles. Hmm…. Pool toys, beach paraphernalia, scooters, skateboards….. Excuse me, where are your sleds?

Seems they pulled all the winter stuff off the shelves just a couple of days ago, to make room for beach umbrellas and kiddie pools.

HA-ha (In best Nelson from the Simpsons voice)! Good planning! Don’t you folks watch TV?

The drug store around the corner’s a little slower on the trigger, and had plenty of sleds.

Fiona climbs into bed with us at 5:45 this morning.

“Let’s go sledding!!!!!”
It’s still nighttime, darlin’.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Make sure to get all the bread, bottle water and generators you can get your hands on. Message: Afraid = hoard. Of course, I have found that booze does help you tolerate your family if you have to be stuck indoors with them for an extended period of time.