Friday, August 12, 2011

A man and his dog entertain the masses

Dusk, Wednesday night.
The man and his dog were finishing up their walking route.
They need only to safely cross the street at the dreaded four way stop, and they'd be seconds away from their front door.

They started to cross, going south, when the Lincoln in the east bound lane, slows, but does not stop, and eases into the intersection, a foot or so in front of the man and his dog.

The man is ill-pleased.

"That's a stop sign!" he hollers to the older man and his two friends who are in the Lincoln.
"And I have the right of way!"

The man knows that this action is futile. But he gets crabby, and occasionally- yelling helps.

He's almost finished crossing, when he hears it.
He looks up, and notices a jeep with four high-school aged boys in it. It had pulled up behind the Lincoln at the intersection and was currently waiting for the man to finish crossing. The boys were.....clapping.

"F*ck yeah!" one of the jeep's passengers yells out.
"You tell him, dude!" another one adds.

The man is embarassed by the attention, and feels like a dork. He grins shamefacedly at the youths in the jeep, and shrugs his shoulders.

"Have a nice evening." Comes from the Jeep, as it pulls into the intersection and continues down the road.

Thanks boys, you too.

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