Sunday, May 29, 2011

Smashing Pumpkins video shoot

I've learned something in the last year.
If someone you know says "hey, you want to be an extra in a movie/ music video, I can make it easy for you to do so" or words to that effect - say "yes".

And not because it will be the coolest thing you've ever done,because while you're doing it you CERTAINLY won't be thinking this; or even because you'll end up being able to say "see, right there! there I am!"

Because I've no idea, at all, if I'll be able to say that.

But you should still say yes.

Friday night, about 75-100 people took part in shooting footage for a video for the Smashing Pumpkins' song OWATA.

Billy Corgan's a big fan of wrestling, and is tight with the local indy group AAW. I've a friend who's heavily involved in that group, and I've been to a few of their shows.

So I already knew where the Berwyn Eagle's Club was located.
Yep, video was shot at a sorta run down Eagle's Club, similar to a VFW hall.

Cuz rock and roll is GLAMOROUS!

Stood outside for way too long, then we were finally ushered in. Our job there was very simple. There would be wrestling, we'd cheer and boo and act like a rabid wrestling audience.
Over, and over, and over.....

Was by far the most diverse wrestling crowd I'd seen at the Eagle's club, given that over half were Pumpkins' fans.
There were...women in the audience, just to mention one BIG difference from the normal crowd.

I do not know the premise behind the video, the storyline if you will. They had been filming for 8 hours already by the time we were allowed in to "watch" the wrestling.
Cameras rolled for the main event - Two well known (if you're into that sort of thing) women wrestlers going at it for "the belt".
do not ask me whose belt.

We were given our instructions, and then watched and reacted to the match.

It was actually a pretty good match, the wrestlers were talented.

Then it was over, the cameras stopped, we were told to hang out for 15-20 while they rested, so that they could film it again.
They moved some of us around to the side where most of the filming would likely take place, gave us further instructions as to who EXACTLY we were supposed to be cheering and booing, and started everything back up.

We watched the EXACT same match a 2nd time, cheered and jeered and booed enthusiastically, were not at all surprised by the outcome of the match, the cameras were stopped again, and.... They told us that they were going to have the match ONE MORE TIME.

My friend, Phil, and I looked at each other, looked at our watches, thought about our wives and little girls at home, and opted out of the 3rd viewing.

Still, it was cool, I have a new tale to tell, and maybe, just maybe, I'll be in the video; waving a sign provided by the crew over my head, or pretending to be outraged by heel tactics on display in the match.

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