Thursday, May 12, 2011

New adventures of a man and his dog

Wednesday, 7:15pm.

The man and his dog head out into the evening.
There were reports of bad weather in the area, but it had all missed the man's neighborhood thus far.

He looked to the western sky, and was not pleased.
But - he was not worried, either.

They began their route.

They had not yet traveled a full block, when the previously-light breeze turned into a wind. By the time they reached the school, the wind was really beginning to assert itself.
They turned west, into the wind, and kept going.

The sky that had not worried him, mere minutes before, was now quite ominous, and much, much closer.
The man mentally shook his head and grinned ruefully.
"Why the hell not?" he thought to himself as the weather continued to deteriorate at an alarming rate.
"This is how I roll."

But then an amazing thing happened.
He came upon a flowering tree, resplendent in tiny purple blooms. It smelled wonderful.
As the strong wind blew through the tree, it picked up thousands of tiny purple petals.

The man stood immediately downwind from the tree, and, grinning with awe and childlike delight, stretched his arms out wide as he stepped into a blizzard of tiny flowers.
He was sublimely happy, and made no effort to continue on their way.

The dog, a simpler creature perhaps, was not as impressed with the spectacle, and began to whine at the first flash of lightning and rumble of thunder .
The moment had passed.
"You make a good point." The man said to the dog, turning away from the tree and the flowers.
The headed across the field, the man's gaze turned downward to avoid the flying dust and dirt.

Their pace quickened as the wind began to howl, and the first splatters of rain struck them. They ran the last half block, and were inside before the rain began in earnest.

The man found his wife and daughter on the back porch, rocking gently on the porch swing as the storm became fully involved.

"You beat the storm!" The man's wife said with relief.

"Just barely." the man replied as he sat down next to them, and his big, brave dog slunk under the swing and laid down.
"But the coolest thing happened..."

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